Monday, December 22, 2008

Einstein said that we were only using 10 percentage of our potential

Q:I was delighted as a young man when Einstein said that we were only using 10 percentage of our potential and there was a possibility that we could develop our full potential. So of course the search was on. Having him say that, it was kind of like intellectual greatness was that potential and I looked around and realized that there were a lot of other qualities that are great: compassion, courage, happiness and responsibilities. It made me realize that, at least made me think that our full potential wasnt just intellectual greatness, it was other greatness that is part of our full potential. I was wondering if you could describe the qualities of a person who is really living their full potential.

Sri Sri:You know, the energy in an atom is something you can not measure. Similar to the human potential, you can not see how much is full potential. The ancient saying goes that nature of a human being is very similar to that of an atom.

In an atom, the central part of the atom is positive and the negatively charged particle is only on the circumference, the ion. Similarly, all the negativity of a person is not his true nature; its only on the circumference. So when someone is centered, it means to be calm, steady, pleasant and violence is not there as part of his or her nature. Violence is an indication of violation of the domain a human has.

If you ask me, how we can be more energetic, yes, because every atom releases energy in our body! And in Sanskrit its said, "praktar tig market mukshar means if you know one particle of your existence thoroughly, you will be free, you will be liberated. Of the zeak philosophies, one is called the vashika - means the knowledge of atoms or particles and substances in the creation; in that school of philosophy, they dont talk about god at all.

God also is a field not as a person or an object. And whether the knowledge we have is correct or not, how do we know? There are so many methods to know about the knowledge we have - is correct or not correct? Thats why, even 10000 years ago, 15000 years ago, people knew there are 12 moons to the Jupiter, without any telescope or anything. And the subjective way of knowing things, is using the intuition within you, quieting your mind from all the thoughts and the mind becomes calm like a space, like sleeping but you are not sleeping.

You are totally alert inside, and then an intention is taken. And with that intention, intuition comes, knowledge comes, inspiration comes from within. Using this method they calculated all the bending eclipses happening and then all the mathematics was derived.

Today even the almanac calendar, says exactly at what time, which minute the eclipse is going to happen. And or when the moon is transiting the sun, the whole of astrology, astronomy is derived at. And it was always said, the sun is the center of the solar system, and all the planets
are going around, this is an ancient system that has been coming out. People have been used to this thought. And also, which herb is good for what, to treat in their medicines. The ayurveda system was developed that way.

So I see that the methodologies they used, is to awaken the intuitive awareness inside you, in which you feel every cell in your body is alive now, fully alive, and mind is quiet. And you call
that Samadhi. Samadhi is the function of the body. I feel that if we take some time, two or three days in a year and those three days we take silence and observing the watchfulness of our own thoughts and observing our own emotions, then we are able to get a sense of what is the quietness that is inside, how we can be quiet. You know the freedom from the jugglery of thoughts, is the basis of intuition. And intuition is part of innovation. What do you say? Correct?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

what is the importance of self-effort and grace?

Sri Sri:If you want to be on the path self effort is very important. Do your Sadhana,Satsang and Seva. But once on the path relax. Like you run to catch a train, but once in the train stop running and relax. If you do not get caught up with reading and watching movies you could see a lot of interesting stuff and learn from it.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

When we are made of the same consciousness why do peole behave differently?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar :Each ones thumb impression is different, unique. Everyone is same yet different. Infact if you have never got confused read Vedanta. Everything is nothing and Nothing is everything. Physicist, top scientists will understand it. Everything comes out of a black hole and goes into it.The proportion between the space between two galaxies is the same as the space between two atoms. Buddhism in Hart Sutra says the same, so do the Sufis.

In the IX Chapter of Bhagwat Gita Krishna says 5 elements are in me and I am in them. But I am not in them. If you have got confused then it is good. Pashyame Yogamaishwaryam, this is the glory of Yoga. Also this is Raja Vidya- The Royal Secret. Mahatma Gandhiji has written a commentary on this IX chapter of Bhagawat Gita, the first and second verse. Con-fusion is
fusion with the Cosmos.

Monday, August 18, 2008


Throughout the ages, in all cultures, place, time, persons and symbols were all considered sacred. Whenever you consider a symbol, place, time, person or act sacred, your attention is undivided and whole. When things are ordinary and same, you tend to slip into unawareness and inertia. The moment you consider something sacred, your inertia disappears and you become more
alive. There is nothing as fulfilling as a sacred act. You put your heart and soul in a sacred act. When every action of yours becomes sacred, you have become one with the Divine. Then every minute of your life is sacred, every place you go to becomes sacred, every person you meet is only your reflection, and every act of yours is sacred.

Question: Why does an act when performed repeatedly lose it sacredness?

Sri Sri: This happens when your memory overpowers your consciousness and you lose your sensitivity. For example, people living in Benares do not feel that it is a sacred place. That sensitivity is just not there.

Question: How can we preserve that feeling of sacredness in our acts?

Sri Sri: Through living in the present moment and through Sadhana. Your Sadhana will not allow your memory to overpower consciousness. Repetition is not a hindrance then.

The Native American Indians and the tribals consider the earth, sun, moon and all the directions as sacred. In the ancient tradition, the Rishis considered all the rivers, mountains and even animals, trees and herbs as sacred. What to say of people? They are definitely sacred!

In different parts of the world, certain symbols, certain places and different times of the year are considered sacred. Various cultures honor certain people and consider them as sacred. For example, Christians consider the Cross, Jerusalem, Christmas and the Pope as sacred. For Muslims, the Crescent Moon, Mecca and the month of Ramadan are sacred. The Hindus
consider the river Ganges, the Himalayas and the Swamis as sacred.

It is good to begin feeling that some symbols, places, time and people are sacred so that you can be awake and alive. But eventually you need to transcend and feel that the entire creation and your whole life is sacred. For the man of God, the whole world, with all its symbols, places and people are sacred at all times.


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Arguments and wrong actions

A person who argues should not be given knowledge. An argumentative mind is not receptive to knowledge. When someone is in an argumentative mood, then giving knowledge or advice is in vain. In an argumentative mood you feel you know it all. Then you are not ready for knowledge. That is why wise people do not give advice when they are in an argumentative environment.

Argument has a purpose. It can bring out the truth if there is no emotion or sense of "I" attached to it. Argument can also have a disadvantage. It can make untruth appear to be truth.

A wise man will not take arguments seriously; he will just have fun with them. Wisdom is beyond all arguments.
Both a worldly person and a spiritual person will tell you not to do wrong, though the reasons they give are totally different. A worldly person will tell you not to do wrong because it hurts or causes him pain. A spiritual person will tell you not to do wrong because it would only harm you more.

Exercise :
Identify any one specific virtue or good quality you would like to have. Ask for it on Guru Purnima day (the full moon - July 15-16) and know that you have it.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Desire and Joy

All desires are for happiness. That is the goal of desire, isn't it? How often does your desire lead you to the goal? But have you thought about the nature of desire? It simply means tomorrow, and not now, isn't it? Joy is never tomorrow. It is always now.

How can you have desires when you are joyful? And how can you really be joyful now when you have desires? Desire appears to lead you to happiness. In fact it cannot. And that is why it is Maya. What do you say?

Jai Guru Dev

Friday, August 15, 2008

If love is the nature of human, why is there so much hatred among people?

Sri Sri: Because love devoid of knowledge gives rise to imperfection. You love perfection and get angry at imperfection. If you love somebody, you become jealous and possessive.Love is the cause of all problems in the world. Through love, jealousy, anger and hatred all come out.

But we cannot live without love. Even a dog may not like to live without love. It would refuse to eat food, if it is not able to see its master. So love is the most wanted thing for everybody. Yet all these
imperfections and all these problems arise out of love. So what is the answer ? We need such a love which is free from imperfection and that can be attained only through knowledge. "So love minus knowledge is problem and love with knowledge is bliss."

Thursday, August 14, 2008

How are you able to fulfill or satisfy so many people at a time?

Sri: It is all a trade secret. We are all made up of a power called love. If we realize it we will feel that everybody belongs to us. Love means no separateness from others.

Q: What is the difference between Religion and Spirituality?

Sri Sri: Religion is the skin of the banana and spirituality the fruit. We tend to throw away the fruit and catch hold of the skin of the banana and proclaim that my skin is better than your skin and fight. No other nation in the world has given so much importance to spirituality like India.

Q: When we have so many ambitions and responsibilities to fulfill why God does not give us the means to perform?

Sri Sri: Definitely you will get the means; have patience.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What is the way to keep the mind focused on God?

Sri Sri: Where there is love no concentration is required. Suppose you love astronomy, you don't have to make an effort to study astronomy. If you are interested in History, You need not make an effort to concentrate in History. Concentration is necessary only when you don't love something. You don't require concentration to watch a T.V. serial because you like it or you are interested in it. Meditation, breathing exercises and bajans all these automatically lead to single-mindedness
or focused on God.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I don't like people interfering in my problems. How can I change them.?

Sri Sri: You don't interfere in their matters. Why do you want to correct them ? That is their nature. Is it right ?

Q: Vastu Shastra has been made a business nowadays. Please tell us a way out of it ?

Sri Sri: Even temples have also become business places. For doing any "Archana" (Puja) you have to pay a specific amount. What to do, let us think about it.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Please explain the difference between Guru & God?

Sri Sri: In India God was not a concept that was somewhere else above in the sky or in the seventh heaven. Here God permeates the whole of creation. God is present in every atom of the Universe. That is why we have the concept of "Nataraja".

The dance and the dancer are not separate. You cannot have a dance without a dancer. Similarly there can be no creation without God. God is the basis of all creations. The three qualifications of God are , God is Sath (Truth), God is Chit (conscious) and God is Ananada (bliss). This is the most scientific definition of God.

He is present in every atom everywhere. God is nothing but love. Where do you see love in life first? In the mother that is why we say "Mathrudevobhava" (Mother is your God) and mother is
the first Guru, second comes the father, third the teacher and fourth the guest who comes to your house.

The guest is god. Even today in Karnataka, they address the guest as god. They call them " Devarae" and they treat the guests with honor and respect. Guru is the manifestation of love. Guru is absolute love. He does not want anything other than happiness for everybody in the world. Love is God. We are all made up of a substance called love. Don't think God is somewhere else.

That is why here we say, see god in the rivers, mountains, Sun, Moon, stones, trees, animals and in people around us. God is in everything and seeing God within you is meditation and seeing God in the person next to you is service. We need both.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Q: I need to believe in a God. But I need some miracles as proof in order to believe.

Sri Sri: Just look around! Everything is a miracle! A seed sprouts and grows into a huge tree. Is that not a miracle? When I was visiting Chennai last year, they brought a little boy who was born deaf. I just tapped him on his head and he started making noises. The next day, they brought 20 boys! Now, miracles happen naturally, and spontaneously. It cannot be forced. When everything falls in place, miracles happen on their own.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Q: Both cows & buffaloes give us milk. But only the cows are worshipped. Why is this?

Sri Sri: That is a good question! Maybe because when you worship, the one being worshipped should realize that they're being worshipped! You know, buffaloes are a little slow in realizing it. Maybe that's why! You know, when we worhsip, we do it for ourselves not for the one being
worshipped. When we worship someone, we want them to know that we are worshipping them. That's why we see that there are no temples for Brahma. He is the creator. His job is completed. So nobody bothers worshipping Him. Vishnu is the maintainer, His work is still going on; that's why we worship Him! And we're scared of Shiva, after all He is the destroyer so we worship Him also!

Q: I have been chanting Vishnu Sahasranaama from quite some time. But lately, I feel sleepy while chanting it. What to do?

Sri Sri: Don't worry, He also sleeps!

Q: What is more important: intelligence or innocence?

Sri Sri: Both are important. Why do you want to choose one over the other?

Q: What is life? What is death? What, if any, are the similarities between them?

Sri Sri: What is life? You are finding out now. What is death? You will find out in the future; you will not miss it! And when you know both, you can compare and find out the differences or similarities between them!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Ramkrishna Paramhans said, "Where there is lust, there can't be God". But, we all are in this world because of lust?

Sri Sri: Lust is feverishness. Love is sincerity, quietness, peace. Lust is aggression. Love is Submission. Where there is Love, there is submission, relaxation, serenity. Lust means wanting to possess, enjoy.

Lust and Love are opposite in nature. When one is there, other is not there. Kamdeva came to disturb Shiva's samadhi. Shiva opened his third eye and he destroyed Kamdeva. Kama is not Rakshasa (Demon), it is called Deva (God). It is just that lust and love operate in different dimensions.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

What is the solution to lifes problems?

Sri Sri: If you are learning to ride a bicycle, it seems so difficult but over a period of time, if you practice it , it becomes easy. The same thing with cooking, or driving a car. Anything appears to be difficult because it is the beginning but dont give up!...first take a position that it is possible, then being in knowledge often, that is what is satsang. Then you cannot be shaken and if your behavior is in a decent manner, you cannot get upset. It is just a matter of training yourselves.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Can you speak about personal will and surrender?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar :What bothers you tension, anger i.e when you need to let of surrender something that does not belong to you...Do you surrender love, joy, happiness - no, because it is your very nature!! Surrender is to give what is not yours, that which is a burden. And when you
surrender, you become free..then you have a!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What is the difference in meditating in the morning Vs meditating in the evening ?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar : never mind, when you meditate, just meditate! We should make your
smile cheap and anger expensive. We do the opposite. Smile more and more that is what is the meaning of prasad, when you go to a temple, they will give you Prasad so that you leave the temple with a pleasant feeling, that is what a prasad is supposed to do!

Monday, August 4, 2008

What is your advice to human beings?

Sri Sri: Take a different stance in life. Think how can I be useful to this planet...if you keep this question, things will change, that is what seva means - acting like HIM.. Se Ye Va like HIM that is how GOD works, he does everything for you without your knowing what all he has done! If you thank God, it is for your own benefit doing what God does, imitating God is seva. Service comes from the root word *seva*

Sunday, August 3, 2008

On Sleep and Meditation

Sleep relates to inertia and meditation is the part and parcel of awareness. In sleep you do not realize who you are, what you are and where you are. In meditation you very well know where you are, what you are and you get a glimpse of who you are. That is the state of Samadhi.

What do you call a crystal in Devanagari? Is in't it Sphatik, a colorless object that reflects colors as they are, similar to a mirror? Mirror produces the true picture of any object, though it can never contain the object itself. Do you guess what I am saying? If you touch the mirror it will not be as good as touching the object. The touch implies to the contact of your hand and the glass body of the mirror.

Similarly a lotus leaf. Have you seen a lotus leaf? It is in the water but as soon as it is taken out, it is free from the water! The mind should be like that. It may catch a vision, a glimpse of the event, but as soon as the event is over it has to be untainted, untouched. It can absorb the vision that is ought to disappear. Nothing can get attached to the mind. Imagine you have been watching so many movies for such a long time.

For a moment think all the melodramas you watch in the movies stay back in your mind. What will be the the state of your mind then?

Sometimes the moments of concern remain in the mind and appear in the dreams. You should do pranayama and meditate, to erase such impressions from the mind. Not all the time... but for sometime in a day. Then you become the mirror. You will reflect the object but you are not the object. Sometimes a lot of dust accumulates on the mirror, making the vision dull. You have to
clean that mirror. For example a doctor, who examines so many patients in a day. Patients who visit the doctor only if they have some pain. Imagine the doctor has concern to every pain and starts crying. Will he be able to do his duty? Not at all - isn't it? To be perfect in his duty he just has to begin the task in his clinic and at the end of the day forget all the patients he examined throughout the day.

Similarly a nurse, who treats the patients the entire day. She has to be free from all the agonies of the patient once she completes her attention to him/her and enters the wash room. Wash room is nothing but a changing room for her as agony of the next patient, next to next and so on keep looking for her attention. Imagine she cried for agonies of all the patients she met, in which case should she not run away from her profession?

Yes, if someone is really in that frame of mind or in deep pain and you are there at that time, there are a lot of chances that you also may shed a few tear. You know you feel for that person. But as soon as the person is gone, you are not in that frame of mind and you are back to your normal self. You don't carry the agony. But if it was your family member, maybe you would
feel a little more time. But does the nurse feel like that for the patient? No.

"Alipt" - untouched. When you are untouched, creativity blossoms. When you grow old you go on repeating the same thing again and again. Like that of a child whose mind is not rigid - we need to maintain that flexibility. Otherwise what happens is you get stress and you stress others. Meditation helps you to come out of it and that is the sign of a yogi. You can cry for others, it's ok, but if you keep crying for a person even when is out of sight, that does not seem to be the sign of a yogi.

'Nirlipt' - Dispassion. It is not being harsh or hard to others (people have a wrong concept of that state of mind, of a person). Soft, yet like a gem. Like a mirror, fluid. Simple and sensitive. These are the signs of Samadhi and the feelings of Samadhi will blossom in life.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

How to handle criticisms?

Q: Something about how to deal with criticism by a stranger?

Sri Sri: Said with so much beauty,if someone says 'you are a donkey! reply to such a statement, with - "You are seeing yourself in all"? Welcome to the club - how clever..!!

Q: How to handle criticisms?

Sri Sri: Don't be afraid of criticisms.Why are you all afraid of criticisms?Put up with Criticisms. Constructive criticisms helps you to grow and if the criticisms is unjustfied deal with it compassionately.

Friday, August 1, 2008

fear - suffer - Pain

Q: Something to do with fear in us all

Sri Sri: Guruji very beautifully narrated a Kannada couplet, those who are afraid of waves build their homes in the ocean those who are afraid of animals, build their homes in the jungle those who are afraid of noise , build theirs in bazaar ..

Q: Why do good people suffer?

Sri Sri: People suffer because of lack of smartness. No suffering last long..

Q: Why is there Pain?

Sri Sri: Pain - in the waking state of consciousness and it implies the body seeking attention in some way.

Q: Does Karma have effect on our lives?

Sri Sri: As one reaps the fruits of the seed one sows, the effect of our actions may show it's fruit immediately or sometime later.

Q: Why is there misery in the world?

Sri Sri: 3 reasons - Violating laws of nature, Ignorance, and Overdoing like the first reason mentioned(like over eating) Having no balance - causes misery.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

For humans, Divine is valentine

Sri Sri: For humans, Divine is valentine.
For Earth, Sky is Valentine.
For Rivers, Ocean is Valentine.

See the Divine in the Valentine & the Valentine in the Divine. The ancient thought has been that Creation & Craetor are not separate. Like waves & ocean are not separate. You cannot have waves without the ocean.

What is God? GOD is that principle that is omniscient, omnipotent & omnipresent. Omniscient means it knows everything. Omnipotent means it can do everything. Omnipresent means it
is present everywhere. If something is outside God, then He is not omnipresent. If something is not within his control, then He is not omnipotent.

Then, Who is God? The whole Universe is Space. Inside every atom, there is Space. If you dissect matter, matter is all Space. The distance between the subatomic particles is like galaxies. God is the primary cause of the whole Creation. Like a pot is made out of clay. Clay is God & the pot is the universe. Like dance & dancer. You cannot have a dance without a dancer. Dance is Creation & the Dancer is Divine. There can be dancer without a dance. Divine can be without Creation but Creation can't exist without the Divine.
Scientists very much agree with this principle.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How can I choose my partner?

Q: Dear Guruji, How can I choose my partner?

Sri Sri: I don't know! There are some who have chosen many times! You have to ask them! You know you can't choose someone by intellect; the heart is drawn.. First you have to see whether you are the correct person or not!

A gentleman who was 63 years was looking for a perfect woman- a life partner. I told him to look for another 20 yaers. I said you can definitely find a perfect woman but she wants a perfect man too!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Reverence - meaning of Pooja

Sri Sri: REVERENCE Reverence is what takes you toward non- violence. In Sanskrit, Reverence has a beautiful word, "Pooja" - that which is born out of fullness. 'Poo' means fullness & 'Ja" means born. Reverence to all things in creation means you are in revernce to the Creator. If you appreciate the art, you are appreciating the artist. If you are filled with reverence for everything, life is so full. If you don't have reverence for yourself, you can't have reverence for anything else. Before you start 'Pooja' you have to honour the one who is doing it. This is the
ancient method of reverence to the Self.

Ancient seers gave one method, first ask youself who I am & come out of all the identifications-I am this, I am this. If you think you are intelligent, foolish, rich, poor, Christian, Buddhist, Jew, Muslim, male, female- all these identifications will limit you from knowing who you are. It's not that your identifications are bad. But beyond these who are you? And the journey one has to make on one's own. Who am I? What is the purpose of life? These questions bring depth, profoundity in one's life.

Monday, July 28, 2008

How can I keep this wonderful state at home

Q: Beloved Guruji, this course is so wonderful. How can I keep this wonderful state at home?

Sri: Don't try to hold on to the state of mind. Integrate wisdom in day to day life. Sometimes up & sometimes down. They'll come & they'll go.

Q: Don't you get tired of wearing white all the time?

Sri Sri: No. Because I am colourful myself! Isn't it?

Q: Dear Guruji, What to tell people at home who are very suspicious of what I am doing here?

Sri Sri: When you go back give them gifts, show them all the nice pictures, give them a big smile.The depth of silence, the depth of meditation no one can know unless one has experienced himself. What beautiful wealth we all possess in our Self, that we have not explored. Every human being can go into that depth of meditation. That little experience, little skill to do that is missing. We are so fortunate to go into such stillness within ourselves.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

please comment regarding Ali -the successor to Prophet Muhammed

Q: Would you please comment regarding Ali -the successor to Prophet Muhammed.

Sri Sri: One who is closest to the Prophet, imbibes most of the Prophet's qualities. Because his faith is so strong, he sees the transformation, he sees the words of the Prophet, his life, his wisdom is all blended into one. A Prophet brings celebration to the world. Every excuse to
celebrate is good. In celebration, you are not just making a party, you remind yourself of the wisdom.

Graduation party, birthday party - there is no sacredness attached to it. If sacredness is attached to a celebration event, that celebration is total, complete. It's not just body & mind, but the spirit also celebrates.

Sometimes you go to a party only out of obligation. The mind is elsewhere. Most of the people do such celebration. The second type is better celebration. It is involving you, concerning you, like your own daughter's marriage, your own birthday celebration where you are personally involved. In this case, body & mind are in celebration but the spirit is not in celebration .. In the first type you are going just because you are obliged to go there. The party is not really touching your mind. Only your physical presence is needed.

When something is Divine in celebration, then body, mind & spirit are all in celebration. Some festivals have total celebration.

The celebration that comes out of silence is real celebration. Because of social obligation, you go to parties. Because someone has asked. Your body, though present in the party, your mind is elsewhere. When you are hosting a party, both mind & body are involved. When it is sacred, the spirit is also celebrating. The celebration comes out of silence. Dynamic activity comes out of deep rest.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

How important is it not to eat meat & fish?

Q: How important is it not to eat meat & fish? When I am invited for dinner at someone else's
place I am afraid to be impolite.

Sri Sri: There is Mad Cow Disease & Bird Flu. The whole world is turning to Vegetarianism. Everyone is so scared about these. Health conscious people today all over the world are Veg. Don't feel embarassment. Just say I have changed my diet. It's up to you. Unless you have temptation
! ( Laughter )

Friday, July 25, 2008

My husband does not share my enthusiasm.

Q: Please clarify the difference between dispassion & lack of enthusiasm. My husband does not share my enthusiasm.

Sri Sri: Many times people don't know how to respond to enthusiasm. You almost feel like the dog who runs & overtakes the car & after overtaking the car, it has nothing to do. It has a foolish look on his face. Now what ? Many people don't know how to handle their enthusiasm. It's the same when someone praises you, loves you, you don't know how to respond.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Q: Dear Guruji, when we take responsibility. how can we tackle obstacles ?

Q: Dear Guruji, when we take responsibility. how can we tackle obstacles ?

Sri Sri: The test of your peace is only when there are obstacles. Be thankful for obstacles.

Q: How much time do you get for Saadhana? You are constantly working for us..

Sri Sri: The whole time !

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

can you please speak about Jesus & his time in India? Did he die at the cross at all?

Q: Dear Guruji can you please speak about Jesus & his time in India? Did he die at the cross at all?

Sri Sri: I don't want to get into controversies. Doesn't matter what happened 2,000 years ago. What he ate, what he wore. On Discovery Channel they showed that in Philippines they crucify themselves to please God. They put nails on their palms & for few minutes they stay. They take a vow to God that I want to crucify myself. A lot of people stand & watch. It doesn't make much sense. Where he lived? What he said- that is important.

Be like a child. Unless you are a child you can't enter the Kingdom of my Father. In Philippines,
they beat themselves with thorns. All their bodies are bleeding. To please God you are torturing yourself like that! There is lack of understanding. In Sri Lanka, Hindus pierce their tongues with nails. In the Jain tradition, Mahavira was so blissful. It is said that in his whole life he ate only 360 days. He walked naked because he didn't have body consciousness.

While those who crucify themselves & do such practices don't look so blissful. It's imitation.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Please talk on parenting.

Q: Dear Guruji, please talk on parenting.

Sri Sri: You know, your evolution is very fast when you are parent. You are so keen, your observation, you are immersed. Like the security guard of a VIP, is all the time on one's toes. You are only worried about external things. When you are calm, serene, chlidren also catch that.
Sometimes children also talk like 50 year olds - 10 year old children are like parrots. It's better you don't fight with each other in front of children. Don't do things which are not nice. Give them the seed of spirituality. Develop a sense of giving.

Monday, July 21, 2008

How to deal with arguments?

Q: How to deal with arguments?

Sri Sri: By using praise and humor. You can meet accusations skillfully with praise and humor.

Q: What do you say to someone who is suicidal?

SriSri: Committing suicide is like a person who is cold, and tries to remedy the situation by taking off his coat. Committing suicide will make you even more miserable... Get them to do Kriya।

Q: About being important

Sri Sri: The unimportant people make the important people important. So who is more powerful? The king or the king maker?

Scientists recently discovered that children smile about 400 times a day. Adolescents only about 15. Adults smile even less than that. Laughter and smiling has great beneficial effects on your health. My job is to make you all children again.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

How to handle jealousy?

Question : How to handle jealousy?

Guruji : Know that both are going to die. The person who you are jealous of and someone is being jealous of you. When you see everyone is moving towards their death, the negative emotions can drop off. This ultimate realization that we are all going to die, brings you back to your self. Later he said that when Krishna shows his Vishnurupa, the pictures depict all these men and women coming out of his mouth. (Guruji said the pictures are misguiding). Showing his infinite form, the Viraatrupa, Krishna says I am kala,( time itself; everyone and everything merges in me and is born out of me.. So beautiful)

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